
Thursday, February 18, 2021

New Start

We moved to a new home November 2019, from a one acre lot in a rural area to a smaller 1/3 acre lot in the city. We were still able to grow a garden in 2020, but we tried more compact methods using garden boxes and raised beds. We even cut out some lawn in the backyard so that we would have more room to plant lots of tomatoes! Results were pretty good for the first year, but I'm hoping to improve even more this next year.

Last month I started in the local university extension program for Master Gardening (Utah State University). There is a weekly class on various topics with study materials and a group Q&A session. The classes this year are all done online because of the recent pandemic. I wouldn't have been able to commit to that much time in the past unless they were online, so this has been a blessing to have this opportunity. Some activities still require hands-on work, so they will host small group workshops that we will have to attend in person. The first workshop is in March regarding pruning fruit trees. I'm excited about it since our new house has pear, apple, cherry, and plum trees. Reading an article or watching a video is not as good as actually doing it, learning from your mistakes, and getting suggestions from someone that really knows what they are doing.